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다시 보는 광화문 촛불집회! 대한민국의 현 시국은?

by 일본나까마 2017. 8. 15.

박근혜-최순실 게이트! 다시 보는 촛불 시위 현장

박근혜, 최순실 스캔들로 국회에서 탄핵! 그리고 계속되는 광화문 촛불집회 

당시 외국인에게 한국의 상황을 알리기 위해 제작한 영상이다.

How Are You Korea? 대한민국의 현 시국은?! 2017.1.21

This video will help you understand South Korea's current state of affairs. I hope Korea overcomes this quickly.


Thank you for doing this video! It's really encouraging to see how the people unite and aim for the change altogether. A great content for us to see what's happening in your country and also, great insights from those people who you've interviewed. I will surely pray for Korea and for the people who are wanting change for the country and for the people :)

The video made me tear up a little for my country has a similar situation; however, we can not go on demonstrations as freely and taking kids there is dangerous. I admire the sense of responsibility and love you all have for your country. Let's keep fighting and praying. Really well done video.

일본인이 소장하고 있는 안중근 의사의 유품 벼루 (출처 : 김타쿠닷컴 | 네이버 포스트) 

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